Are you ready to break free from the chains of emotional eating,
poor body image,
and self-limiting beliefs?


 going from having body image issues to loving every inch of your body 

 a life where food is no longer your enemy but a source of empowerment and pleasure, guiding you towards a healthier, happier you 

 no longer being afraid to look at yourself naked in the mirror 

 no longer tracking, counting, weighing, stressing, obsessing over every calorie 

 breaking free from the endless cycle of guilt and restriction and embracing a joyful, intuitive connection with food and your body

Unshackled is not just a program – it's my life's work.

If I were to guess...
You're ready to revolutionize your relationship with food and your body, aren't you? 

This is not your typical program where I'll be preaching that you need to love yourself more or simply let your shit go, and is definitely not talk therapy.

Unshackled is experiential.

Unshackled is a transformative program born from a personal journey of overcoming disordered eating and body dysmorphia.

The journey of disordered eating and body image issues held me captive for 18 years.

Over the last ten years, having been clear & free from the ED, I made a vow to myself to support others along their healing journey.

I've reverse-engineered what's supported me throughout the years in dropping into my self-sourced power, and I'm finally sharing my magic & medicine with you.

Unshackled is a testament to what I practice, preach, embody, and teach.

Unshackled is not just another program—it's a journey of self-discovery and healing that transcends traditional approaches to wellness. 

By integrating the ancient wisdom of Kundalini yoga with the transformative power of meditation and breath work, Unshackled offers a holistic approach to breaking free from the chains of disordered eating, body dysmorphia, and disconnection from the physical body.  

Inside Unshackled, I'm offering the tools and techniques that were my guiding light in helping me return home to the centre of my being that doesn't comprehend pain, shame, hurt or blame.
Unshackled is STACKED filled with greatness...
Inside, you receive an in-depth crash course to better understand the science and technology of Kundalini Yoga.

Not only do you receive my go-to kundalini, practices, meditations and breath work practices to support you in cultivating a deep connection with your SOUL self.

You'll learn about the Ten Bodies, Yamas and Niyamas, and your Chakras through the lens of healing through disordered eating and body dysmorphia!

You'll learn about intuitive eating and how to integrate it into your life by learning to trust your body's wisdom and the language it communicates to you.

You'll also receive a 40-day RICHUAL with daily intentions to support yourself in transcending into the portal of self-discovery.

This robust program will leave you feeling super supported on your journey to revolutionize your relationship with food and your body.

This is a 3-month journey with epic resources dripped to you every week, rather than taxing your nervous system with it all coming at once so you can integrate and embody all you are receiving. 

 And yes, you have lifetime access as we are fully and completely trauma-informed around here.
Unshackled is for you if:
You have struggled with your body image, emotional eating, bingeing, restricting, obsessively counting, restricting, tracking, weighing, avoiding, numbing and denying.

You have found that you quit one addiction (drugs, alcohol, shopping, gambling, etc.) and are now in a cycle of using food to "feel better," aka cross addiction.

You deeply desire to transform your relationship with yourself, your body and your relationship with food.

You are a parent, coach, counsellor, therapist, yoga teacher, or facilitator of change who desires to support their people to become Unshackled through the modalities shared inside of Unshackled.

The truth is, although it's not necessarily easy to do, you can quit any other substance, but you can't stop eating. 

Wouldn't it be great to receive tools to empower you to go within instead of going outside of yourself to numb out?!

How I Went From:

Being shackled to a ball and chain for eighteen years with disordered eating and severe body image issues to being over ten years free.

 Getting ready in the dark, not being able to look at myself in the mirror, and dancing around naked in front of the mirror.

Deleting every photo taken of me to hire a photographer to take and post half-naked pictures of me.

Dropping out of public speaking at university and pretending my computer would die when going onto FB Lives to teach in front of hundreds of students and record live videos for my virtual wellness studio, digital programs, and masterminds.

A Decade Of Freedom...

I am Meghan Weir, and I stand before you today as a living testament to the profound impact of these practices. 

Ten years ago, I found myself trapped in an 18-year cycle of eating disorders, body dysmorphia, and a profound disconnection from my physical body.

 It was a dark and tumultuous time, but I discovered a path to liberation and healing through Kundalini yoga, meditation, and breathwork.
Full transparency, I have been holding back in sharing this program with you as even though I am clear and free from bulimia and anorexia, my weight still fluctuates, and I found myself attaching meaning to this, questioning who am I to share this magic and medicine with you if I haven't fully and completely healed yet. 

And....let me tell you! 

This is allllll bullshit. 

Hence, I am sharing this gift with you as this is my reclamation in becoming UNSHACKLED from the bullshit noise the ED still tries to cast over me. 

 Do I still struggle with my body image? 

Sometimes, however, what once felt like a life sentence, I have become UNSHACKLED from the ED for over TEN years now...

If you're on a journey to heal your relationship with food and your body or heal cross addictions (for example, going from stopping drugs or alcohol to now numbing out with food or shopping)... 

Unshackled is the catalyst you need- it infuses all of my go-to practices, integrating powerful techniques to guide you toward healing and drop into your highest potential.

In my early years of recovery, people often asked me how I was finally set free, and to be honest, I didn't know how to answer them... It was as though one day, I finally woke up and chose myself over the lies and manipulation that the ED held over me. 

After being asked this question on the reg, I took a step back and reverse-engineered what I had incorporated into my life that made the most significant changes.

As I share with my students at the Treatment Centre where I once was a Nurse and now teach Kundalini Yoga, I always say, I honestly don't believe I would be here today if it weren't for the potent technology of Kundalini Yoga.

Kundalini honestly and whole-heartedly saved my life. 

 BOLD statement: I know, and I mean it. 

Kundalini yoga, meditation, and breath work became my guiding lights, illuminating a path toward dropping into my self-sourced power, cultivating vitality, and profound transformation. 

Through these practices, I learned to release the shackles of self-judgment and perfectionism, embracing my body as a sacred vessel worthy of respect and reverence. 

I cultivated a deep sense of trust and an unbreakable bond with myself, reclaiming my power and rewriting my story, and my wish is for you to experience the same.

Street Cred:

Formerly, she worked as a nurse for sixteen years in various fields, including acute care, complex care, the OR, and mental health and addictions, and was awarded the "Vital Link Award" in 2018 for saving her friend and colleague's life.

With fifteen years of entrepreneurial experience, Meg has built a global coaching business with multiple six-figure revenues.

She is certified in Strategic Intervention through Tony Robbins, learned best practices for trauma-informed, emotional regulation, and nervous system support with Mastin Kipp, is a Kundalini Yoga and Meditation Teacher ( with specialized training to support individuals in mental health and addictions), a Somatic-Embodiment Practitioner, and is a Board Certified Master Practitioner and Therapist in Rapid Resolution Therapy, NLP, TIMELINE Therapy, Hypnotherapy, and Life and Success Coaching.

Additionally, she is ten years free of an eating disorder and is focused on deepening the relationship within herself, guiding her life by intuition and introspection, and understanding the language in which her body speaks through deep listening and somatic embodiment.

Most importantly, she practices what she preaches and embodies what she teaches.

I  cannot thank you enough for my transformative experience with Kundalini Yoga and my journey with you as an earth angel, reminding us of our inner sparkle and how bright we can shine if only we believe in ourselves. You believe in us. You taught me to trust again; I will be forever grateful for that. My time with you in Cedars changed my life. My commitment to myself came from your encouragement. Practicing Kundalini with you allowed me the time, space, and endless opportunity to tap into my self-sourced power and connect with my body and the universe in a way I never knew but always knew was there on a cellular level.

Hannele KP
 Addictions Program Coordinator

I have come to know Meghan Weir over the last three years and participated in several of her course offerings, including subscribing to her membership, Sat Nam Sessions. Kundalini Yoga, guided by Meghan, has been a unique and transforming experience as I moved into creating more and more joy in my life. So, when Meghan offered a more in-depth learning of the Ten Bodies of Kundalini, I didn't hesitate to subscribe. I loved the new learning format each month, which kept me engaged and focused. I looked forward to each new chapter throughout the year. Do not hesitate to invest in this fantastic series led by this unique, kind, authentic human named Meghan Weir.

Cheryl P

Last night, I was washed over with such gratitude. I was able to see and acknowledge just how far I have come. How I’ve grown, evolved, and changed IN SO MANY WAYS. I want to thank you and tell you how much I love you. You were the absolute Catalyst for getting me here today. There is so much light, love and abundance in my life. I am a completely different human inside and out. I love my new self and am forgiving, kind, and compassionate to myself. I am no longer afraid to bear my heart, for I understand now how limitless love is. I am living in my truth. What a difference. Your beautiful ripples of light, love, and support ignited this journey. I am SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU! Sat-Nam! My sister. I love you. Ss!! 

Lorraine McG

What you'll experience inside Unshackled:

Kundalini yoga works on multiple levels to promote healing, particularly in addressing emotional eating and body image: 

 Regulating the Nervous System: Kundalini yoga incorporates specific postures, breathwork (pranayama), and meditation techniques that help regulate the nervous system. Practices such as long deep breathing and alternate nostril breathing activate the parasympathetic nervous system, inducing relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety. By calming the nervous system, Kundalini yoga creates a sense of inner peace and stability, making navigating the emotional triggers associated with emotional eating and body image easier. 
 Balancing the Glandular System: The glandular system, which includes the hypothalamus, pituitary gland, thyroid, and adrenal glands, plays a crucial role in regulating hormones and metabolism. Kundalini yoga activates and balances the glandular system through specific yoga postures, breath work, and mantras. This balance in hormonal function can help alleviate symptoms associated with emotional eating and body image, such as irregular appetite, mood swings, and low energy levels. 

 Clearing Out the Unconscious Mind: Kundalini yoga practices subtly clear out the "garbage" from the unconscious mind. Through dynamic movements, breath work, and chanting of mantras, Kundalini yoga helps release stored emotional trauma, negative thought patterns, and subconscious beliefs that contribute to disordered eating and body dysmorphia. By bringing these unconscious patterns to the surface and processing them in a safe and supportive environment, individuals can experience profound healing and transformation.

 Effective Healing for Emotional Eating and Body Image Distortion: Kundalini Yoga's holistic approach addresses the root causes of emotional eating and body image by promoting self-awareness and emotional intelligence. 

 By regulating the nervous system, balancing the glandular system, and clearing out unconscious patterns, Kundalini yoga creates a foundation for healing that goes beyond mere symptom management. 

 Additionally, the emphasis on mindfulness, breath work, and meditation cultivates a deeper connection with the body, fostering a sense of inner peace and empowerment. 

 Overall, the technology inside Unshackled offers a comprehensive and effective pathway to healing for those struggling with emotional eating and body image, helping individuals reclaim their health, vitality, and sense of self-worth. 
How it started...
When I first attempted to get help, the in-patient centre specializing in Eating Disorders turned me away as the ED wasn't as acute compared to other cases. (I interpreted this as not being enough).

The second attempt was with a counsellor who turned me away as the ED was not within his scope of practice. ( I interpreted this as being too much).

The third time, my doctor prescribed an antidepressant. 

As my symptoms got worse, she increased my dose until I became a masked version of my already masked, disconnected, dissociated self.

Imagine how these experiences must have felt for a young woman with insurmountable fears and insecurities.

This spiralled me further into self-destructiveness & disconnect.

I intuitively knew I wasn't the ED; I wasn't the depression & anxiety.

I intuitively knew I had to get to the root cause of my symptoms.

And so, my journey to drop into my self-sourced power began.

Along the way, I discovered the incredible power of Kundalini yoga and meditation as catalysts for healing my relationship with food and my body.

I found solace in the present moment through these ancient practices.

Kundalini yoga taught me to listen to my body's wisdom. Instead of seeing food as an enemy, I noticed it as nourishment.

Meditation became my sanctuary, allowing me to observe my thoughts without judgment and cultivate self-compassion.

I need to share that this journey was not without its challenges.

It required immense courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to confront the deep-rooted beliefs that held me captive for so long.

It demanded patience and a deep sense of self-forgiveness as I unravelled the layers of conditioning and dropped into my self-sourced power.

Today, I stand here as a testament to the power of healing and the resilience of the human spirit.

I want you to know that you can break free from the chains and revolutionize your relationship with food and your body.

Join Us On The Journey To Freedom:

Imagine one week, one month, one year from now how much freedom and liberation you are feeling, seeing, and hearing as you have cultivated a deep sense of reverence with yourself and have revolutionized your relationship with food and your body.

Imagine a Life Where You Can: 

Walk by a mirror without staring at your body
Go out for lunch without the fear of overeating
Get dressed without spending an hour criticizing your body
Trust yourself to know exactly what your body wants and make it feel amazing
Stop allowing a number on a scale to define your worth
Randomly go out for ice cream with friends
Feel at peace with your food, your body, and yourself
Be clear and free from restricting, calorie counting, overeating and/or binging 
Be clear and free from fearing your favourite foods
Achieve sustainable health and learn how to eat nutritiously
Feel at peace with food and your body
Live life FULLY in health and happiness

Imagine during our time together, which you receive lifetime access to, the emotional and restrictive eating patterns will get quieter, and your life will get brighter.

Imagine exercising for enjoyment rather than burning off the food you ate.
Imagine eating a meal without a second thought or worry.
Imagine having the time and space to think about life's adventures instead of being consumed by food and your body.

I invite you to feel into it now:

Life will be fulfilling; you will be happy and feel free!

Join us on the journey to liberation and transformation with Unshackled. 

Together, we'll unlock the door to a new way of being—one rooted in your self-sourced power, self-awareness and profound connection with your body and soul.

This is your invitation to take the first step towards liberation and transformation. 

Enrol in Unshackled today and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and profound transformation. 

Please note: The information presented in this program is not intended to diagnose mental health problems or to take the place of the professional mental health care provided by a licensed clinical professional therapist.

This program does not constitute an attempt to practice trauma or clinical therapy. 

Individuals should consult a licensed clinical mental health care provider for mental health advice and answers to personal mental health questions, especially regarding (but not limited to) traumatic events. 

Meghan Weir reserves the right to change its disclaimer, so users should review these periodically. 
Medical Advice: The information posted here by Meghan Weir is not to be considered mental health advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified mental health professional. Meghan Weir or her team of employees/contractors do not answer specific mental health questions.
Your Freedom awaits...
Lifetime Access is included with Lifetime Updates. Rewire is delivered via a private podcast feed for yummy, digestible consumption. There are no refunds.

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