Unshackled is not just a program – it's my life's work.


I  cannot thank you enough for my transformative experience with Kundalini Yoga and my journey with you as an earth angel, reminding us of our inner sparkle and how bright we can shine if only we believe in ourselves. You believe in us. You taught me to trust again; I will be forever grateful for that. My time with you in Cedars changed my life. My commitment to myself came from your encouragement. Practicing Kundalini with you allowed me the time, space, and endless opportunity to tap into my self-sourced power and connect with my body and the universe in a way I never knew but always knew was there on a cellular level.

Hannele KP
 Addictions Program Coordinator

I have come to know Meghan Weir over the last three years and participated in several of her course offerings, including subscribing to her membership, Sat Nam Sessions. Kundalini Yoga, guided by Meghan, has been a unique and transforming experience as I moved into creating more and more joy in my life. So, when Meghan offered a more in-depth learning of the Ten Bodies of Kundalini, I didn't hesitate to subscribe. I loved the new learning format each month, which kept me engaged and focused. I looked forward to each new chapter throughout the year. Do not hesitate to invest in this fantastic series led by this unique, kind, authentic human named Meghan Weir.

Cheryl P

Last night, I was washed over with such gratitude. I was able to see and acknowledge just how far I have come. How I’ve grown, evolved, and changed IN SO MANY WAYS. I want to thank you and tell you how much I love you. You were the absolute Catalyst for getting me here today. There is so much light, love and abundance in my life. I am a completely different human inside and out. I love my new self and am forgiving, kind, and compassionate to myself. I am no longer afraid to bear my heart, for I understand now how limitless love is. I am living in my truth. What a difference. Your beautiful ripples of light, love, and support ignited this journey. I am SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU! Sat-Nam! My sister. I love you. Ss!! 

Lorraine McG

Please note: The information presented in this program is not intended to diagnose mental health problems or to take the place of the professional mental health care provided by a licensed clinical professional therapist.

This program does not constitute an attempt to practice trauma or clinical therapy. 

Individuals should consult a licensed clinical mental health care provider for mental health advice and answers to personal mental health questions, especially regarding (but not limited to) traumatic events. 

Meghan Weir reserves the right to change its disclaimer, so users should review these periodically. 
Medical Advice: The information posted here by Meghan Weir is not to be considered mental health advice and is not intended to replace consultation with a qualified mental health professional. Meghan Weir or her team of employees/contractors do not answer specific mental health questions.
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